"Activity Daily Living ADL"@fr . "Maximum likelihood estimation"@en . "Hospitals"@en . . "Motion capture"@en . . "Cyber-physical systems"@en . "Outer enclosure"@en . . . "Index Terms-Indoor"@en . "Mobile"@en . "Indoor navigation"@en . "Binary PIR sensing"@en . "Logistics"@en . "CONTINUOUS-TIME SYSTEMS"@en . "Cameras"@en . . "Event localization"@en . "Indoor"@en . "Reachability"@en . "Bounded-error"@en . "Intelligent robotics"@en . "Nacim Ramdani" . "GUARANTEED STATE"@en . "Parameter estimation"@en . "Machine learning"@en . "Reachability analysis"@en . "Data mining"@en . "Medical informatics"@en . "Cloud-Based"@en . . "Motion planning"@en . "Uncertain systems"@en . "Event detection"@en . "Human postural coordination" . "Error analysis"@en . "Zonotope"@en . "Constraint satisfaction problem"@en . "Consistent initialization"@en . "Calibration"@en . "Embedded systems"@en . "Nonlinear systems"@en . . "IMAGERIE COMBINATOIRE"@fr . "Ambient assisted living"@en . "Index Terms-Intelligent robotics"@en . . "Optimal control theory"@en . . "DYNAMICAL-SYSTEMS"@en . "Non-linear systems"@en . "Bounded error context"@en . . . . "Parallel robots"@en . . . "Inertial measurement unit"@en . . "PARAMETER-ESTIMATION"@en . "LTI systems"@en . "L1\u2212stability"@en . "Cable-driven robot"@en . "Additive noise"@en . "Motion analysis"@en . "Event-triggered measurements"@en . . "Inverse optimal control"@en . "Bounded-error state estimation"@en . "Interval analysis"@fr . "High-index differential-algebraic equations"@en . "Complex constraint satisfaction"@en . "Layout"@en . "Gauss-Seidel contractor"@en . "Semi Infinite Programming"@en . "Modeling for control optimization"@en . "Human"@en . "Equations"@en . . "Interval observer"@en . "Human walking control"@en . . "DIFFERENTIAL-EQUATIONS"@en . "Nonlinear continuous-time systems"@en . "Differential equations"@en . . "Identification and control methods"@en . "Mathematical modelling"@en . "Bioinformatics"@en . . "BIOCHEMICAL PROCESSES"@fr . "Indoor localization"@fr . "E-Health"@en . . "Nacim" . "MODELS"@fr . "Constraints"@en . "Discrete-time linear switched systems"@en . "Bounded noise"@en . "Infra Red sensors"@fr . "5e1c9d01eb0194c34f5cdfa8f8db55c2" . "Image reconstruction"@en . "Design"@en . "Estimation"@en . "Force plate"@en . "Closed loop systems"@en . "EHR"@en . "Discretization"@en . "LMI design"@en . "Centre of mass"@en . "Intervals analysis"@en . "Hip and knee rehabilitation"@en . "Linear systems"@en . "Set inversion"@en . "Modeling"@en . <081920377> . "Humanoid robots"@en . "Complex intervals"@en . "Discrete-time linear systems"@en . "Ramdani" . "Hardware platforms"@en . "EHealth"@en . "Interval observers"@en . "Hybrid systems"@en . "Elderly"@en . <0000-0003-1491-3751> . "Humanoid robotics"@en . "Location"@en .