"Conference of parties"@en . "Changements climatiques"@fr . "Greenhouse gases"@en . "Protected areas"@en . "REDD +"@en . "Clean development mechanism"@en . "Carbon standards"@en . "For\u00EAt"@fr . . "D\u00E9frichements agricoles"@fr . "Dryness"@en . . . "Greenhouse gases emissions"@en . "D\u00E9veloppement"@fr . "Convention cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques"@fr . "North-South co-operation"@en . "G\u00E9opolitique de l'\u00E9nergie energy"@fr . "Meeting of Parties MOP"@en . "Forest governance"@en . "Tropical forest"@en . . "Avoided deforestation"@en . "D\u00E9sertification"@fr . "Governance"@fr . "Am\u00E9nagement du territoire"@fr . . . "Espace agro-sylvo-pastoral"@fr . "Technology transfer"@en . "Cameroun"@fr . "Abattis"@fr . "Conservatoire du Littoral"@fr . "Climate activism"@en . "Land tenure"@en . "Afrique"@fr . "For\u00EAt amazonienne"@fr . "Protocol of Kyoto"@en . "Foresterie"@fr . "MDP"@fr . "Empreinte \u00E9cologique"@fr . "Governance"@en . "MOP"@en . "COP"@fr . "Territoire"@fr . "D\u00E9forestation \u00E9vit\u00E9e"@fr . "Moise" . "Shifting cultivation"@en . "CDM"@en . "G\u00E9opolitique"@en . "Dynamiques d'occupation"@fr . "Sustainable development"@en . "Avoided deforestation REDD"@en . "Geopolitics of the energy"@fr . "For\u00EAt tropicale"@fr . "Guyane fran\u00E7aise"@fr . "Development"@fr . "Government Policy"@en . "D\u00E9mographie"@fr . "Analyse institutionnelle"@fr . "Occupation du sol"@fr . "Environmental inequalities/injustices"@en . "Democratic Republic of Congo"@en . "Contradictions"@fr . "Amazonian forest"@en . "Globalization"@fr . "Human development index"@en . "Fusion d'images"@fr . "Certification foresti\u00E8re"@fr . "Emissions de gaz \u00E0 effet de serre"@fr . "Brazil"@en . "Espace prot\u00E9g\u00E9"@fr . "Kyoto protocol"@en . "Forestry"@en . "Keys words Forest"@en . "D\u00E9veloppement durable"@fr . <075902486> . "Energy transition"@fr . "Diversit\u00E9 floristique"@fr . "Activisme climatique"@fr . <0000-0002-4551-7850> . "Pioneers fronts"@en . "Meeting of parties"@en . "Littoral"@fr . "Climate change"@en . "Cartography"@en . "Greenhouse gas"@en . "Eucalyptus"@fr . "Gestion durable des for\u00EAts"@fr . "Evaluation des Effets Environnementaux"@fr . "Clean Development Mechanism CDM"@en . "Energy justice"@fr . "Remote sensing"@en . "For\u00EAts tropicales"@fr . "D\u00E9forestation"@fr . "Environmental and climatic inequalities and injustices"@fr . "GIS"@en . "Land Use"@en . "Sustainable forest management"@en . "Knowledge transfer"@en . "Meeting des parties"@fr . "Key words Slash and burn cultivation"@en . "D\u00E9veloppement urbain durable"@fr . "Avoided deforestation and forest degradation"@en . "Conf\u00E9rence des Parties COP"@fr . "M\u00E9canisme pour un D\u00E9veloppement Propre MDP"@fr . "Croissance urbaine"@fr . "French Guiana"@en . "10e9313395560b86581a117a4ff16e63" . "Geography of the environment"@fr . "Land cover"@en . "Biodiversit\u00E9"@fr . "FSC"@en . "Foncier"@fr . "Environnement et D\u00E9veloppement"@fr . . "D\u00E9veloppement propre"@fr . "Coop\u00E9ration Nord-Sud"@fr . "Conference of the Parties"@en . "Environmental public policy and science interactions"@en . "Institutional analysis"@en . "Transfert de technologie"@fr . "Renewable Resources and Conservation"@en . "Keywords aerial photography"@en . "Climatic change"@en . "Adaptation"@fr . "REDD+"@fr . "International conventions"@en . "Tropical forests"@en . "Durabilit\u00E9"@fr . "Changement climatique"@fr . "Energy policies"@fr . "Dynamics Land use"@en . "Legal studies"@en . "Conventions internationales"@fr . "Forest certification"@en . "Anthropocene"@fr . "\u00C9talement urbain"@fr . "Aires prot\u00E9g\u00E9es"@fr . "Att\u00E9nuation"@fr . "Protocole de Kyoto"@fr . "Approche participative"@fr . "Power"@en . "Forest policy reform"@en . "Cartographie"@fr . "Afrique centrale"@fr . "Africa"@fr . "Storytelling"@en . "Environment and Development"@en . "Cartographie urbaine"@fr . "Conference of Parties COP"@en . "Gouvernance"@fr . "Tsayem Demaze" . "REDD"@fr . "Greenhouse gas emissions"@en . "Key-words national park"@en . "Nature protection/conservation"@en . "Climate justice"@en . "France"@fr . "Canada"@fr . "D\u00E9forestation \u00E9vit\u00E9e REDD"@fr . "Conf\u00E9rence des parties"@fr . "Espaces prot\u00E9g\u00E9s"@fr . "Moise Tsayem Demaze" . "Gaz \u00E0 effet de serre"@fr . "PEFC"@en . "Agriculture itin\u00E9rante sur br\u00FBlis"@fr . "Green house gases emissions"@en . "Energy"@fr . "Forest clearings"@en . "Protocols"@en . "SIG"@fr . "Eco-labelling"@en . "Environnement"@fr . "Ecological footprint"@fr . "Am\u00E9nagement"@fr . "RIU model"@en . "Forest policy"@en . "D\u00E9forestation tropicale"@fr . "Central Africa"@en . "Conflit territorial"@fr . "\u00C9missions de gaz \u00E0 effet de serre"@fr . "D\u00E9forestation et d\u00E9gradation foresti\u00E8re \u00E9vit\u00E9es"@fr . "Shifting slash and burn cultivation"@en . "Clean Development"@en . "Br\u00E9sil"@fr . "Territory" . "Power and domination relations"@en . "Involved research"@en . "Clean technology"@en . "Gestion"@fr . "T\u00E9l\u00E9d\u00E9tection"@fr . "Amazonie"@fr . "Diffusion"@fr . "Agriculture sur br\u00FBlis"@fr . "Monitoring verification and reporting MRV"@en . "Meeting of the Parties"@en . "Front pionnier"@fr . "For\u00EAts communales"@fr . . "African politics"@en . . "Biodiversity"@en . "Sustainability"@en . . "Demography"@en . "Deforestation"@en . "Environment"@fr . "Coastal zone" . . "Amazonia"@en .