"AlgoBox \u00AE"@fr . "Southwest Monsoon"@en . "Coastal morphodynamics"@en . "Embayed beach"@en . "Morphodynamics"@en . "Reflective beachface"@en . "\u00C9volution des petits fonds"@fr . "Spatio-temporal scale"@en . "Nourishment"@en . "Anthropogenic impact"@en . "Bedrock control"@en . <0000-0001-8718-8605> . "Storms"@en . "a050b664851edb43c95f133900a0f041" . "Coastal boulders"@en . "Guadiana Estuary"@en . "South Brittany coast"@en . "\u00C9changes s\u00E9dimentaires"@fr . "Coastal evolution"@en . "Realimentaci\u00F3n" . "Diques" . "Coastal management"@en . "C\u00F4tier"@fr . "Numerical model"@en . "Northeast Monsoon Storm"@en . "Tsunami"@en . "Sedimentological characterization"@en . "Erosion"@fr . "Rocky coast"@en . <115669604> . "Mouncef" . "Tidemark"@en . "Transport s\u00E9dimentaire potentiel"@fr . "Caract\u00E9risation s\u00E9dimentologique"@fr . "Geomorphological behavior"@en . "Din\u00E1mica de barras" . "Matalasca\u00F1as"@en . "Storm Xynthia"@en . "Beach characteristic"@en . . "Coastal of Agadir"@en . "Huelva"@en . "Sargasse"@fr . "Tidal currents"@en . "Echouages macro-algues"@fr . . "Playas arenosas" . "G\u00E9omorphodynamique"@fr . "Martinique"@fr . "Anthropogenic"@en . "Sand and tidal bars"@en . "Beach profiles"@en . "Sediment transport"@en . "Morocco"@en . "Coastal erosion"@en . "Coastal adaptation"@en . "Coastal evolution coastal erosion coastal risks climate change anthropogenic impact coastal management coastal adaptation"@en . "Coastal defence"@en . "Hallermeier"@en . "Dissipative beach"@en . "Playa disipativa" . "R\u00E9g\u00E9n\u00E9ration de la dune"@fr . "Analyses multivari\u00E9es"@fr . "Sargassum"@en . "Plage de baie"@fr . "Numerical simulations"@en . "Seaweed"@en . "Potential transport"@en . "Intertidal mudflat"@en . "UAV-based photogrammetry"@en . "Seasonal Beach Morphodynamic Change"@en . "Multivariate statistical analyses"@en . "Simulations num\u00E9riques"@fr . "Beach rotation"@en . "Groins"@en . "H\u00E9ritage g\u00E9ologique"@fr . "Climate change"@en . "Survey network"@en . "Courants tidaux"@fr . "Potential bedload transport"@en . "Littoral d'Agadir"@fr . "Wrack"@en . "Transport s\u00E9dimentaire r\u00E9el"@fr . "Barre sableuse"@fr . "Espigones" . "Sand bars"@en . "R\u00E9seau d\u2019observation"@fr . . . "Beach"@en . "Environmental control"@en . "Ridge and runnels"@en . "Coastline variations"@en . "Sedrati" . "Jetties"@en . "Bar dynamics"@en . "Morphodynamic"@en . "Erosi\u00F3n" . "Beach nourishment"@en . "Paroxysms"@en . . "Pocket beaches"@en . "Coastal engineering"@en . "\u00C9chouage"@fr . "Trait de c\u00F4te"@fr . . "Real transport"@en . "Coastal processes"@en . "Wissant Bay"@en . "Hydrodynamic conditions"@en . "Northeast Monsoon"@en . "Mixed-sediment"@en . "Sediment volume variations"@en . "Control ambiental" . "Coastal risks"@en . "Sandy beaches"@en . . "Beach gradient"@en . "Geological inheritance"@en . "Depth of closure"@en . "Real sediment input"@en . "Temp\u00EAte Xynthia"@fr . "Washover sedimentation"@en . "Macrotidal coast"@en . "Beach Morphology and Morphodynamic"@en . "Sediment exchanges"@en . "Mouncef Sedrati" . "Laisse"@fr . "Bedload"@en . "Estuarine beach"@en . "C\u00F4tes de Bretagne sud"@fr . "Am\u00E9nagement \u00E9cologique"@fr . "Littoral morbihannais"@fr . "Barrier beach erosion"@en . "Morphodynamique"@fr . "Evolution of shallow depths"@en . "Littoral"@fr . . "Beaches"@en . "Resilience"@en . "Plage"@fr . "Plages de poche"@fr .