"Compositional Verification"@en . "Networks"@en . "Formal Specifications"@en . "Software verification"@en . "Interactive Theorem Proving Coq"@en . . . "Synchronous Programming"@en . . "Modeling Languages"@en . . "Timothy" . "Back-Pressure LTTA"@en . "OCaml"@en . "Timing diagrams" . "Invariant proof"@en . "Verification"@en . "Timed Automata"@en . "AODV"@en . "Esterel"@en . "Real-Time Systems"@en . "Simulation"@en . "Interactive theorem proving"@en . . "Compilation of hybrid systems"@en . "Protocol Verification"@en . "Type System"@en . "Mobile Ad hoc Networks"@en . "Invariance proofs"@en . "Time-Based LTTA"@en . "Timed automata" . <0000-0003-0601-4182> . <202418812> . . "Hybrid automata"@en . "Process Algebra"@en . "Structural Analysis"@en . . . . "Non-standard analysis"@en . "Kahn process networks"@en . . "Formal software verification"@en . "StructAnalysis"@en . "Synchronous"@en . "Compositional Invariant Proofs"@en . . "Timothy Bourke" . "627431a6c6d487d4fb57abf07f4990a8" . "Nonstandard analysis"@en . "Multicores and many-cores"@en . "Bourke" . . . "Model Checking"@en . "Verified Compilation"@en . "HybridLang"@en . "Quasi-periodic Architectures"@en . "Isabelle/HOL"@en . . "Assistants de Preuve Coq"@en . "Numerical Simulation"@en . "Symbolic Simulation"@en . "Lustre"@en . "Compilers"@en . "Uppaal" . "\u2022 Computer systems organization \u2192 Embedded software Additional Key Words and Phrases stream languages"@en . "Non-standard semantics"@en . "Hybrid systems"@en . "Langages synchrones Lustre"@en . "Hybrid systems modelers"@en . "Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures"@en . "Synchronous Languages Lustre"@en . "Programming"@en . "DAE"@en . "Quasi-Synchronous Abstraction"@en . "ASSUME project"@en . "Numerical solver"@en . "Timed trace inclusion" . "Network protocols"@en . "LTTA"@en . "Wireless Mesh Networks"@en . "Index"@en . "Synchronous Languages"@en . "Real-Time Embedded Systems"@en . "Constructive semantics"@en . "Index TermsProgramming"@en . "Numeric simulation"@en . "Semantics"@en . "Reactive Systems"@en . "Avionics software"@en . "Compilation"@en . "Mathematical modelling language"@en . "ITEA3"@en . "\u2022 Computer systems organization \u2192 Embedded software stream languages"@en . "Interactive Theorem Proving Isabelle/HOL"@en . "Synchronous programming languages"@en . "Quasi-synchrony"@en . "Block Diagrams"@en . "Automatic code generation"@en . "Physical Time"@en . "Type systems"@en . "MDAE"@en . "CCS Concepts \u2022 Software and its engineering \u2192 Formal language definitions"@en .