"Algorithm"@en . "Heterogeneous systems"@en . "Mapping"@en . "Algorithmes parall\u00E8les"@fr . "Calcul type stencil"@fr . "Consistency"@en . "Graph coloring"@en . "External memory algorithms"@fr . "Algorithmes de graphes"@fr . "Pseudo-randomness"@en . "Code unrolling"@en . "Modular programming"@en . . . "Functions of mathematical physics"@en . "Algorithmes it\u00E9ratifs"@fr . . "Overlay journal"@en . "Rapid prototyping"@en . "PRO"@en . "Java programs"@en . "Atomics"@en . . . "Contextualization"@en . "Ad-hoc networks"@fr . "Flot de contr\u00F4le parall\u00E8le"@fr . "Exp\u00E9rimentations"@fr . . "Exp\u00E9riences"@fr . . . "Register allocation"@en . "Passage de message"@fr . "Anonymous function"@en . "Lock manager"@en . "Myrinet"@fr . . . "Histopathologie"@fr . "Parallel computing"@en . "Coarse grained parallel computing"@fr . "D\u00E9composition par substitution"@fr . "Rain-on-grid"@en . "Locking"@en . "Allocation de registres"@en . "Modularity of programs"@en . "Coloriage de graphes"@en . . "Uniformly generated communication matrix"@en . "Distributed computing"@en . "Parall\u00E9lisation automatique"@fr . <077834437> . "Parallel algorithms"@fr . "Automatic parallelization"@en . "Scholarly communication"@en . "Decidabilit\u00E9"@fr . <0000-0003-0779-1944> . "Type inference"@en . "P-complitude"@fr . "Open Access"@en . "Algorithmes lin\u00E9aires"@fr . "Grappes de pc"@fr . "Mod\u00E8le de programmation"@fr . "Editorial platform"@en . . "Data access"@en . "Hydrological models"@en . "CPU performance" . "Source-to-source compilation"@en . "Parallel control flow"@en . "Large scale systems"@fr . "Ordered read-write locks"@fr . "Experimentation"@en . "Efficient graph algorithms"@fr . "Architectures parall\u00E8les"@fr . "Jens Gustedt" . "Graph"@en . "Parallel applications"@fr . "Random shuffling"@en . "K-trees" . "Mod\u00E8les parall\u00E8les \u00E0 gros grain"@fr . "Communication protocol"@fr . "Bels-ordres"@fr . "Complexity analysis"@fr . "C programming language"@en . . "Automatic differentiation"@en . "Partial differential equations"@en . "Fine grained parallel models"@en . "Active Element"@en . "Treewidth"@en . "Paral\u00E9lisation"@fr . "List ranking"@fr . "Analyse alg\u00E9brique"@fr . "Diff\u00E9rentiation de haut degr\u00E9"@fr . "Capture by reference"@en . "c3fbdd4022af6dc600bf7734087fec2c" . "Type-generic programming"@en . "Emulation"@fr . "Integer permutations"@en . "Algorithmes \u00E0 m\u00E9moire externe"@fr . "Parall\u00E9lisme de donn\u00E9es"@fr . "Parallel programming"@en . "Lexicographically first maximal independent set"@fr . "Random generation"@en . "Modular decomposition"@fr . "Network"@en . "Performance analysis"@en . "Cluster"@fr . "Portabilit\u00E9"@fr . "Parallel computation models"@en . "Performance modeling"@en . "Langage de programmation C"@fr . "Memory access classification"@en . "Coarse grained parallel model"@fr . "C11"@en . "Fonction de routage"@fr . "Affinit\u00E9 mat\u00E9rielle"@fr . "Gustedt" . "Calcul distribu\u00E9"@fr . "Control of experiments"@en . "Classement de liste"@fr . "Resource manager"@en . "Op\u00E9rateurs diff\u00E9rentielles"@fr . "Analyse de complexit\u00E9"@fr . "Pc clusters"@fr . "Experimental validation"@fr . "Lock primitives"@en . "Random permutations"@en . "Communication interfaces"@fr . "Mod\u00E8les parall\u00E8les"@fr . "Watershed partitioning"@en . "Fonctions sp\u00E9ciales"@fr . "Algorithme"@en . "Workflows"@en . "Control flow graph"@en . "Processus ponctuel marqu\u00E9"@fr . "PRG"@en . "Calcul parall\u00E8le"@fr . "Iterative algorithms"@en . "Modular C"@fr . "Coarse grained parallelism"@fr . "Area balancing"@en . "Data structures"@fr . "Differential operators"@en . "Task based runtimes"@en . "Ordinateurs parall\u00E8les"@fr . "Peer-to-peer"@en . "Image segmentation"@fr . "Annonymous function"@en . "Clustering coefficient"@en . "Parall\u00E8lisme \u00E0 gros grain"@fr . "Large-scale distributed systems"@en . "Experiments"@fr . "Repositories"@en . "Closure"@en . "BSP"@en . "D\u00E9composition modulaire"@fr . "High-speed network"@fr . "Gestion de ressources"@fr . "Environment d'excution bas\u00E9 sur des processus l\u00E9gers"@fr . "Modularit\u00E9"@fr . "Parallel architectures"@fr . "Lambda"@en . "C"@fr . . . . "Modularity"@en . . "Read-write locks"@en . "Decidability"@fr . "Multi-core" . "Algorithmes lin\u00E9aire"@fr . "Futex"@en . . . "Encapsulation"@fr . "Tool for experimentation"@en . "Panique-r\u00E9cup\u00E9ration"@fr . . . "P-completeness"@fr . "Attachment models" . . . . "Linux"@en . "Parall\u00E9lisme de t\u00E2ches"@fr . "Linear algorithms"@fr . "Ensemble ind\u00E9pedent lexicographique premier"@fr . "CLUSTERS"@fr . "Applications gros grain"@fr . . "PARALLEL MODELS"@fr . "Interfaces de communication"@fr . . . "Jens" . "D\u00E9tection de noyaux cellulaires"@fr . . "Exp\u00E9rimentation"@fr . "Portability"@fr . "Interactivity"@en . "Coarse grained parallel models"@fr . "Message passing"@fr . "Algorithme distribu\u00E9"@fr . . "Parallel computers"@fr . "Contextualisation"@fr . "Ex\u00E9cution diff\u00E9r\u00E9e"@fr . "Diff\u00E9rentiation automatique"@fr . "CGM"@fr . "Languages d\u00E9di\u00E9s"@fr . . "Accelerators"@en . "Synchronization"@en . "Classement de listes"@fr . "Type-generic lambda"@en . "Parall\u00E9lisme \u00E0 gros grain"@fr . "Linear time algorithms"@fr . "PARALLEL GRAPH ALGORITHMS"@fr .