. "Regional innovation systems"@en . "Participation"@en . "Work quality"@en . "Epistemic communities"@en . "Lorenz" . "Discretionary learning"@en . "Work Activity"@en . "Comparaisons europ\u00E9ennes"@fr . "Employee learning"@en . . "Codified knowledge"@en . "Structure organisationelle"@fr . "Conventions"@fr . "Social cohesion"@en . . "Quality of working life"@en . "French machine industry"@en . "Learning organisation"@en . "Evolutionary theory"@en . "European Union"@en . "Innovation studies"@en . "Th\u00E9orie des contrats"@fr . "Education and training"@en . "British-French comparison"@en . "Economic and social impacts"@en . "Cons\u00E9quences \u00E9conomiques et sociales"@fr . "d361922cd2ff525db595cdb9ff8691c1" . "Theories of learning"@en . "Shipbuilding industry"@en . "European innovation systems"@en . "Systems of social protection"@en . "Organizational mode" . "Adult education"@en . "Organisational change"@en . . "Regional systems"@en . "Dublin Foundation"@en . "Labour markets"@en . "Organisation du travail"@fr . "Knowledge codification"@en . "Industrial relations research"@en . "Trust"@en . "Working conditions survey"@en . "Work organization conventions"@en . "Competitiveness"@en . . "Enqu\u00EAte coupl\u00E9e employeur-salari\u00E9"@fr . . . "Subcontracting"@en . "HRM"@en . "Multi-level logistic analysis"@en . "Strat\u00E9gie manag\u00E9riale"@fr . "EU"@en . "Qualit\u00E9 de vie au travail"@fr . "Varieties of capitalism"@en . "Comparaison europ\u00E9enne"@fr . "Measurement framework"@en . <035764228> . "Internationally harmonised data"@en . "Changement organisationel"@fr . "Lisbon strategy"@fr . "Social capital"@en . "Edward Lorenz" . "Creativity"@en . "Europe"@en . "Formation continue"@fr . "Evolutionary economics"@en . "Theories of knowledge"@en . "Pratiques et techniques manageriales"@fr . "Innovation indicators"@en . "Economic development"@en . "Workplace learning"@en . "British shipbuilding"@en . "Learning economy"@en . "EU policy"@en . "Innovation policy"@en . "Construction navale"@fr . "Organizational change"@en . "Systems of competence building"@en . "Organisation apprenante"@fr . . "Labour market institutions"@en . "European economies"@en . "Job quality"@en . "Industrial relations"@en . "Cooperation"@en . "Enterprise" . "Working Conditions"@en . "European comparison"@en . "Donn\u00E9es internationalement harmonis\u00E9es"@fr . "Work organization"@en . "Competence building"@en . "Engineering industry"@en . "Cognition"@en . "Sub-Saharan Africa"@en . "Crteativity" . "Multi-level analysis"@en . "Social investment"@en . "Qualit\u00E9 de l'emploi"@fr . "Learning"@en . "Education"@en . "Flexibility"@en . "Edward" . "Management practices and techniques"@en . "International comparison"@en . "Cadre de mesure"@fr . "Linked employer-employee survey"@en . "French/UK comparison"@en . "Work organisation"@en . "Community"@en . "UK economy"@en . "In\u00E9galit\u00E9s"@fr . "Contract theory"@en . "Flexibilit\u00E9"@fr . "Theory of institutions"@en . . "Social Protection"@en . "European policy"@en . "Tacit knowledge"@en . "Organizational theory"@en . "Organisational structure"@en . "Measurement"@en . "Economic decline"@en . "Routines"@en . "EU 2020"@fr . "Labour process"@en . "Confiace"@fr . "Institutionalism"@en . "Knowledge taxonomy"@en . "Knowledge"@en . "Confiance"@fr . "Organisation" . "Workplace innovation"@en . "Innovation"@fr . "March\u00E9 du travail"@fr . "European comparisons"@en . "Survey methods"@en . "Japanese transplants"@en . "Industrial districts"@en .